Saturday, February 14, 2009


I took the day off yesterday and ended up in the suburbs for about 48 hours, which is more than enough time in my book. All joking aside, it's always good to spend a little time with my parents and enjoy the serenity of the 'burbs. It's almost erie how quiet it is out there. I actually have somewhat of a hard time sleeping because I'm so used to the noise of the city.
Speaking of noise- I took advantage of borrowing my Mom's car to take a few hours to go to my favorite little strip mall. I actually ended up holding myself hostage in a few clearance racks for about 2 hours and ended up finding a brand new winter jacket. This is a huge relief a I lost my previous winter jacket in a 'blackout' incident (see previous post).
But my shopping adventure wasn't all fun and games. For a place that I consider serene, there is quite a LOT of public noise that I don't care for in stores. I don't know if it's because I'm not really zoned for children, but I find myself enraged and thankful that I don't have children every time I set foot in a Target these days.
Things I don't understand /piss me off:
#1- I get it that you've learned to zone your children out when they screaming, crying, or throwing an overall tantrum but for the for love of God, have some consideration for those around you. I'm sorry, but my mother never allowed such outbursts in stores. I remember specific incidents in which she left her cart and pulled my out of the store by my arm barely dragging my feet behind me.
#2- This counting thing...does it really work? You know the drill "one....TWO.....". Where is 3? I always hear "oh, I never get to 3...cause they just KNOW". Um,, you never get to 3 because you're a wimp. Just once I'd like to see a parent get to 3 and lose it. You're allowed! It's your given right as a parent!
#3- Speaking of getting to 3, when did spanking or the occasional slap become child abuse. To this day I still have a fear of the wooden spoon because that was my mother's weapon of choice for swatting my ass for mouthing off or whatever other childhood offense I had committed. There is clearly a difference between discipline and child abuse.....learn it and use it.
I could probably go on and on. I'm sure most parents would say that since I don't have kids, I don't know what I'm talking about. They're right. However, I do know what I'm talking about when I say that if your kid is out of control in a're the asshole, not your kid. Get some control in the situation, I BEG of you. Not everyone in the world has kids or even likes kids- so stop assuming that we should have to tolerate your lack of public decency.

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